Voucher Details:
Initial Consultation:
Consultation and Examination:
Discuss your health history, concerns, and goals with a chiropractor.
Undergo a comprehensive physical examination, including neurological, orthopedic, postural, and nervous system assessments, as well as muscle and reflex testing.
If necessary, additional tests like x-rays may be recommended (see FAQs about x-rays).
Duration: approximately 45 minutes.
Report of Findings:
Review Session:
Discuss examination results and any images taken.
Understand the cause of your issue, potential treatments, expected duration, and set goals.
Receive a recommended healthcare plan.
You can choose to begin treatment, which includes your first chiropractic adjustment.
Duration: approximately 30 minutes.
Terms and Conditions:
Offer valid for new clients only.
Multiple vouchers can be applied for.
Health fund rebates are applicable.
X-rays are not included but may be bulk billed to Medicare if possible.
Adjustments are not included.
No obligation to start care.